Learning to Wait Upon the Lord

To continue steadfastly.To be growing in awareness of one’s need to need God.

To give up certainty and confidence in circumstances.

To pretend “it” doesn’t matter, and then to find that it really didn’t.

To go on in productive, creative ways, despite unmet needs.

To offer up to God everything that hinders our rest in Him,so that our trust, our hope,our confidence, and our daily work, finds its fruitionthrough His strength, His provision, and through His patient encouragement.

To learn to yield ourselves, like Jesus, to Him who is always faithful and forever changeless,
as He molds us and makes us grow up into the image of Himself in Jesus Christ.

To wonder and to want for.

To appreciate and to approach the holy in humility.

To investigate and to inquire your heart’s desires, and to trust more, and to tremble more
before God’s throne of grace in poverty of spirit and in quietness.

To wait upon the Lord is to learn to listen to His voice through His word, through His inner promptings, and through others who love us, and are in tune with the great I Am.

And now, Lord, for what do I wait?
My hope is in Thee.
Psalm 39:7
winter, 1996

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